Thursday, January 22, 2009

Just getting started

What a way to start out the semester; blogging. I am not a very tech-savvy person and often get nervous when I have to rely on technology for assignments. I have never published a blog before however, this semseter I have created two of them! This blog is for my Adolescent Literature class and I will be using it to record/document my thoughts, feelings and reactions to different diverse and mulitcultural literature we read througout the course of the semester. To be honest, the more I use this blog and the more I experiment with it, the more comfortable I feel about it. I am looking forward to using this as a professional blog that I will hopefully maintain far beyond my literature class.
A little bit about myself; I am a senior completing my last semester at Michigan State University majoring in Elementary Education and Language Arts. I am looking forward to completing my college education and beginning my career as an educator where I hope to teach 3rd or 4th grade. After teaching for a few years my goal is to enroll in graduate school where I will get my master's degree in Counseling. I hope to one day use my experience in education and counseling to become an Elementary School Counselor.

Here's an autobiographical poem that I wrote for an assignment in TE 448:
Who am I by Mandy Macks

I am from a place that transcends a location
That you won't find on a map, but directs my life.
I have from a place where I never walk alone
And have all that I need.

I am from a place surrounded by water
That I know like the back of my hand.
I am from the north where life is simple
Where the stresses of the city fade away.

I am from a beautiful waterside park
A local in a tourist town.
I am from the lighthouse by the beach
Where photographers gather for inspiration.

I am from a small town so sweet
Whose staples are fudge, ice cream, and caramel corn.
I am from a two light town
Where corssing the bridge is a daily occurence.

I am from a family so loving
I can't stay away for too long.
I am from wide open spaces,
But still surrounded by family.

It is hard to say exaclty where I am from
I have direction, but no map.
I am never alone
And I have all that I need.

Until next time...